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  • Mutual Aid EMS Deploys New Integrated Software System to Improve Response Times, Operations, and Compliance — ZOLL Pulse Award Winner

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    Mutual Aid EMS operates 14 ambulance stations across a 924 square-mile service area

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    Mutual Aid EMS operates 14 ambulance stations across a 924 square-mile service area. Agency leadership saw tremendous opportunity to improve operational efficiency and strategically position units to better serve their communities. They also understood the importance of data availability and robust reporting, both at the station and organization levels, to support quality initiatives and strategic planning.

    Their forward-thinking team envisioned an integrated, scalable solution that could provide the foundation for performance improvements and put resources where they’re needed faster.

    Technology Leadership Leads to Meaningful Improvements in EMS Data Availability and Operational Efficiency 

    Mutual Aid EMS invested in a new, integrated EMS software system comprised of hosted RescueNet Dispatch Premium CAD, ZOLL Respond, ZOLL emsCharts, and hosted RescueNet Billing. For the first time, agency management now has access to comprehensive operational data.  

    They can analyze information to support clinical, operational, and financial decisions for the 14-station system overall, or by individual station. The wealth of available data gives management greater confidence when making strategic decisions about patient care services, as well as when forecasting demand and financial performance.

    Solution Integration Provides Immediate Benefits and Leads to a ZOLL Pulse Award

    In addition to enabling data-driven decisions, Mutual Aid EMS’ integrated approach to technology has streamlined communication between dispatch and crews. Documentation is easier, and the billing team can access data from the patient encounter. Outcome highlights include:  

      • Improved response time by strategically positioning units  
      • Improved transfer efficiency by expanding schedule visibility  
      • Reduced radio chatter and traffic volume by enabling crews to mark trip progress 
      • Reduced incomplete trips by addressing issues via Caller Queue feature 

    Mutual Aid EMS received a 2022 ZOLL Pulse Award on May 10, 2022, at ZOLL Summit. Presented annually, the awards recognize agencies that are committed to improving response times and driving better clinical and financial outcomes.
    Pulse Awards LogoTo learn more about how Mutual Aid EMS transformed its operations by switching to an integrated ZOLL Data Systems software solution, read the case study.

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