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  • ZOLL AR Boost
  • ZOLL® AR Boost®

    ZOLL AR Boost is the comprehensive, revenue cycle management (RCM) optimization solution suite that automatically finds, corrects, and verifies patient and payer information. It can help you capture more revenue, reduce administrative burden, and improve the patient financial experience using the staff you already have in place.

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    Find More Coverage, Shrink Accounts Receivable, and Capture More Revenue

    With patients responsible for more out-of-pocket expenses than ever before, correctly identifying self-pay patients and capturing maximum reimbursement for all services rendered can be a challenging and labor-intensive exercise. ZOLL AR Boost is a real-time revenue cycle management solution suite that simplifies, optimizes, and expedites the pre-billing process, ensuring that no payments are left on the table.

    By delivering accurate, actionable data to reveal hidden coverage and drive self-pay and high-deductible conversions, ZOLL AR Boost helps healthcare billing professionals capture complete patient information on the front end. With a single click, you can prevent up to 66% of claim denials caused by inaccurate or incomplete insurance information and find coverage for more than 40% of presumed self-pay accounts.

    Decrease Denials, Increase Your Clean Claim Rate, and Uncover More Revenue

    Decrease Denials, Increase Your Clean Claims Rate, and Uncover More Revenue

    Billing and revenue cycle management teams in the EMS and Fire, healthcare, and third-party billing industries can realize operational and financial performance improvements from day one using ZOLL AR Boost automated RCM optimization tools.

    Benefits of the ZOLL AR Boost Solution Suite

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    • Capture optimum revenue per encounter from payers and patients
    • Reduce front-end workload to accelerate revenue cycle and free up staff for higher-value activities
    • Find, verify, and correct patient demographics and payer information at the pre-billing stage to improve your clean claim rate
    • Optimize revenue by finding billable primary, secondary, and tertiary coverage in compliance with the No Surprises Act
    • Provide price transparency to patients in compliance with federal rules
    • Verify patient responsibility and improve self-pay collections by understanding patients’ unique financial characteristics
    • Streamline prior authorization and provide price transparency with centralized, artificial-intelligence enhanced processing
    • Allows users to submit queries and view results via a batch request or API

    Explore All of the ZOLL AR Boost Tools

    The ZOLL AR Boost solution suite includes automated tools to find, correct, and verify patient and payer information in real time. It eliminates the need to query multiple databases, helping ensure that all revenue sources are identified, accelerating claims processing, and reducing claim denials.

    Insurance DiscoveryInsurance
    Demographic VerifierDemographic
    Insurance VerifierInsurance
    Prior AuthorizationPrior
    Self-pay AnalyzerSelf-pay
    Deductible MonitoringDeductible
    Claim StatusClaim
    Medicaid RedeterminationMedicaid
    MBI LookupMBI
    Clearinghouse ServicesClearinghouse

    Featured White Paper

    ZOLL AR Boost: Closing RCM Data Gaps and Capturing More Revenue

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    PREVIEW - White Paper - ZOLL AR Boost Closing Revenue Gaps and Capturing More Revenue

    Up to 66% Fewer Denials

    Prevent up to 66% of claim denials caused by inaccurate or incomplete insurance information

    Find Coverage for 40%+ Self-pay

    Find coverage for more than 40% of presumed self-pay accounts

    108-point Algorithm-based
    Confidence Score

    The only demographic verification and insurance discovery solutions that deliver a confidence score based on our proprietary 108-point algorithm and designed exclusively for healthcare

    Connect With an Expert  

    Are you ready to shrink the number of claims that you write off or send to collections, and capture every dollar of available revenue?

    Request a Demo
