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  • Empower EMS to Deliver CPR Correctly with CaseReview

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    Heart disease is still the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. So during American Heart Month we want to showcase how ZOLL’s RescueNet CaseReview software helps EMS provide the best care in the event you have a heart emergency.

    Have you ever wondered what system-wide CPR pauses look like for intubated patients? Or how CPR fractions differ between peak staffing and off hours? And finally, what do post shock pause times look like in the system? Our cloud-based software can be accessed from any ZOLL web-enabled device and turns case files from a code into actionable information. CaseReview gives you at-a-glance CPR dashboards, case management tools and aggregate trending tools to simplify a code de-briefing and support CPR quality of care improvement initiatives. And this past December, CaseReview received an upgrade, which extends the functionality of CaseReview and enhances the overall value of the ZOLL solutions for CPR quality improvement.

    The new CPR Performance Summary gives those responsible for patient care quality at an EMS organization an essential, easy-to-use tool to help provide data-driven analytics, insight and coaching for CPR performance after CPR is performed on a patient. It’s intended for use with ZOLL monitors/defibrillators and the data that is derived from those devices during patient care. The CPR Performance Summary is available moments after medics transmit the record at the conclusion of the case so that an immediate debrief on the timing and quality of CPR can be provided to the patient caregivers. This summary can be especially timely and valuable when combined with Case Push from the ZOLL X Series.  CaseReview imports the data from the ZOLL device and produces analytics, graphs and generates a detailed CPR report automatically saving time and eliminating potential errors such as lost files, cables, dongles, data card, days/weeks to collect, etc.

    automatically generated CPR report from the ZOLL device

    Aside from the graphs on CPR depth, rate, and compressions in target and a chronological Event Summary, the new CPR Performance Summary in CaseReview provides release velocity metrics to take advantage of ZOLL's unique measurement of release velocity, which has been clinically shown to improve survival and favorable neurological outcomes.

    the new CPR Performance Summary in CaseReview with release velocity metrics

    The new CaseReview CPR Performance Summary also allows users to analyze waveform capnography in the form of end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) and Ventilation Rate as part of the CPR period in order to assess perfusion, return of circulation (ROSC) and to determine the effectiveness of the chest compressions.

    ZOLL CaseReview

    It gives an easy-to-read summary of the CPR pauses, depth variability and rate variability during the CPR period with additional detail on the longest pauses, and pre and post shock pauses so that QA/QI personnel can provide even more accurate and timely feedback to CPR caregivers on their CPR performance.

    ZOLL CaseReview

    ZOLL CaseReview

     Other changes to CaseReview in the 5.12 version include:

    • The CPR quality graph has been renamed to the Zoom feature. It has been moved to a separate tab as we prepare to build-out the QA/QI workbench for CPR editing/annotation in the months to come.
    • Infant and Pediatric Settings have been added to the Settings tab so that CaseReview users can configure different target depths for adults, pediatric and infant patients.


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