Podcast: 4 Ways ePCR Software Can Relieve EMS’ Biggest Headaches
How STAT MedEvac Connected Device, Software, and Data Technology To Enhance QA and Elevate Care
STAT MedEvac makes data at the center of its strategy for identifying and fixing potential problems, then acting to elevate agency performance.
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In the 40 years since its first mission, STAT MedEvac has become one of America’s most prominent air-medical organizations, distinguished by its cutting-edge emergency care and clinical leadership. But that’s not all the Pennsylvania-based agency – an arm of the Center for Emergency Medicine of Western Pennsylvania (CEM) – is known for. It’s also a busy locus of emergency medical research, with physicians and educators recognized for their work and expertise. That academic orientation is a function of the CEM itself, which is directed by a consortium of five University of Pittsburgh Medical Center hospitals.
When data is your game, you’d better be adept with it, and STAT MedEvac is. The service wields key technology strategically to help its clinical and quality personnel evaluate performance, identify and fix issues, and produce data and analyses that help ensure quality, drive improvements and meet regulatory requirements.
“Data is the backbone of the whole thing, for everyone from our medical directors to our director of medical operations,” said Matt Kravetsky, STAT MedEvac’s performance and quality improvement coordinator. “Our director of medical operations will come over to my office and say, ‘Hey, I need this,’ and I can build him all kinds of reports he can just seamlessly pull data from.”
Read on to learn how STAT MedEvac used a complementary suite of device, software, and data analysis technology to drive continuous performance improvement.
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