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  • The Latest Compliance Tips for Successful EMS Operations

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    Did you know that medical information is worth at least 10 times more than a credit card number on the black market? It’s shocking, but breaches are avoidable if you practice the seven basic elements of compliance, according to the Office of Inspector General (OIG)

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    Did you know that medical information is worth at least 10 times more than a credit card number on the black market? It’s shocking, but breaches are avoidable if you practice the seven basic elements of compliance, according to the Office of Inspector General (OIG). What are they?

    1. Implement written policies, procedures and standards of conduct
    2. Designate a compliance officer and compliance committee
    3. Conduct effective training and education
    4. Develop effective lines of communication
    5. Enforce standards through well publicized disciplinary guidelines
    6. Conduct internal monitoring and auditing
    7. Respond promptly to detected offenses and develop corrective action

    Check out our round up of April blog posts created to help your organization navigate compliance from billing to NEMSIS to HIPAA and field documentation.

    Healthcare Reform: Changing an Era or Error?

    How will Healthcare Reform Affect EMS?One of the prime objectives of the new administration was to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Round 1 went to the ACA, as the new administration was unable to obtain the needed votes to pass the American Health Care Act (AHCA), the administration’s replacement for the ACA. In this post, Dr. Greg Mears takes a shallow dive (evading the political rocks and hazards) into this failed attempt to repeal the ACA, taking note of issues that are important to emergency care and EMS. He also explores what the future holds for healthcare reform: is it dead or just a near drowning?

    Tired of Battling Compliance Roadblocks? Know Your Billing Levels of Service for More Accurate Claims

    When discussing levels of service for billing, it’s important to keep in mind the difference between operations and regulatory definitions. The Center for Medicaid and Medicare Service (CMS) provides regulatory definitions for billing the different levels of service to help field providers better document their patient care report in such a way that clearly illustrates the level of service provided to their patient.

    Documentation Compliance in the Real World

    What is the quickest way to get EMTs and paramedics to roll their eyes? Tell them how important their documentation is to reimbursement, or, talk about how the company won’t get paid unless they document more/better/enough. Nope, won’t work. The organization’s need for money is generally not a motivator. EMTs and paramedics didn’t get into this business because of the money.

    Another Version of NEMSIS?! Here’s Why the Updates Matter to Your EMS Agency

    NEMSIS complianceLast year, NEMSIS released its newest version of standards: 3.4. It took version 3, which helps ensure EMS provides the best possible data for evidence-based care, and continues to improve the quality of data for EMS. Why is it important to be up to date on NEMSIS? As of Jan. 1, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) closed down version 2 and expects to have all 56 states and territories all up to date (using version 3) in three years’ time. So change is in the air.

    1 More Reason Not to Miss SUMMIT: Tofil to Share Latest Update on Healthcare Reform

    Déjà vu. It seems like just yesterday we were talking about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and what changes that would bring to EMS. Although our new commander in chief made an unsuccessful attempt to repeal and replace the ACA there is still a promise of some sort of change on the horizon. But what does that look like especially for EMS? 

    A New Age of HIPAA Enforcement – What it Means for EMS

    In 2016, the Heath Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) police levied far more penalties than ever before, and government enforcers are on a record pace in 2017. The focus has shifted from education to prosecution, and small healthcare providers are no longer immune from big penalties. What does all this mean for EMS? And how can you make sure your agency isn't penalized?

    Also on the ZOLL Blog in April…

    Brand New Offer! Ambulance Safety CAPCE Accredited Training Sessions Now Available at SUMMIT

    Is ambulance safety a concern or focal point in your organization? We fully support that! ZOLL is committed to improving ambulance safety in the EMS community by offering four brand new courses (worth six Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) credits) at our annual conference in Denver this May. These courses will provide a framework to help build a culture of safety within your organization.

    Enhancements to Road Safety Provide Greater Insight into Ambulance Safety

    In the April release of ZOLL Online, we’re introducing the new Road Safety Overview dashboard and an improved reporting experience. These enhancements will provide greater insight into your agency’s ambulance safety and enable you to quickly make more impactful decisions, ultimately making your organization safer.


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