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  • image of blog Kelli Turner

    Kelli Turner

    Kelli Turner is the Director of Marketing Communications for ZOLL’s Data Division. She began her public safety career in 2001 as Communication, Public Affairs and Education Manager for the Virginia Department of Fire Programs, before joining ZOLL in 2006. Prior to ZOLL, Kelli served on multiple statewide task forces, was a member of the Joint Information Center Public Affairs team, and received numerous awards for her efforts in public outreach. Currently, Kelli focuses on helping Fire and EMS agencies utilize their data to make smart business decisions through educational efforts like ZOLL’s annual user conference (SUMMIT), educational webinars, and the ZOLL Blog.

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    2018 EMS Mobile App Round-up

    Clock face icon 2 min read
    It’s that time of year again when I sleuth around the internet and comb through user-reviews to compile the most useful smartphone apps for...